Staircase Progress


Hmmmm….. Where to even start … lol.. I decided it was time to refresh the staircase however didn’t want to break the bank on this project!!! So since I painted the current treads many times , I had the bright idea to flip the tread over and start fresh without purchasing new ones… Brilliant idea , if my first vision had played out right ! My first thought was to stain the treads as close to our floor which are white French oak .. Well ,maybe I should clarify, I don’t do well with stain 🥴… Already nervous going into this … So I grab a couple stain options and ended up mixing and actually made a great match and took the leap to start staining . So keep in mind , you need to time out this project just right to keep stairway functioning so we did half and took a break … Started back week later and using same stain mixture and process I noticed the color was wayyyyy off … Ya, now what??? Well shedded a few tears and John & I looked at each other and said we need to start fresh and figure this out .. John bought new lumber and cut treads to size .. I immediately put my design brain to work and Googled Black staircase… I knew Black was the answer, I just felt at ease when we decided this… So here we go again !!! Painted all the treads matte black and never looked back and it was the best decision everrrrr!!!!!! It was totally meant to be !!! Just keep in mind not all DIY’S go as planned and sometimes we need to pivot and go with our vision!! Now we’re planning out the railing ,we’re going with a modern/metal look, so stay tuned for more progress !!!



Progress Update:

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