New Year = More Intentional

New year = more intentional!!!
Can you believe it’s 2022?? Well it is and we’re moving forward!!! One thing I want to do as we move forward this year is be more intentional… That can be very overwhelming sometimes if we let it. What I’ve learned the older I get is time flies, live each day the best we can, & try to be more intentional with all the things! What I mean by this is keep the word “intentional“ in my mind when making decisions, working, shopping, designing, spending time with my husband/kids & family.. I thought about a few things that help me and I hope this list might help you as well as we start a new year!
•learn to Slow down, make time when needed. (My grandpa used to say stop and smell the roses Jojo, look around and enjoy life)
•Focus on what we CAN control more
•Declutter regularly.. I do this ALOT anyway.. Helps me stay clear & this way I know when I’m shopping to only buy a new piece if I know exactly where it’s going! This is hard but so helpful:)
•Say “no” more… We can only do so much, only so many hours in a day, right?
•Treat people like you want to be treated, be intentional with people… I always make it a priority to tell someone their hair looks great or I love their sweater… Try it, you will be surprised the smiles you get back:))) or pay for someone’s coffee or whatever it may be!!
• Work hard and it will pay off!

Just a little list of things I’ve been thinking about! Hope this helps you as well.. Now let’s make this a Happy, successful, Healthy, Intentional, New Year!


StyleJo Shetley1 Comment