Making Progress!!

Hey, hey!!!! So, after a little stand still waiting on materials/workers, progress has been made!!!! We now have all the windows/doors installed (minus the replacement door window), shakes, siding, gutters, heat & air, insulation, all electrical &&&& Sheetrock today!!!! YESSSS:)))) next up will be laundry room tile, I’ve explained on stories however I will explain here as well… The reason for the laundry room tile first is so we can get a functional laundry space because the entry door from our home is where our current laundry room is.. Therefore to not be without a washer and dryer, we need to get this space up and usable fast!!! LOL! With that said we will also have to Sheetrock the wall that the entry door is on in a few weeks! At least that’s what we hope… We’re super excited to see this all come together soon! I will add progress photos here. I also want to thank each one of you for following along this project, we appreciate all your kind messages!!!


The Beginning Stages: