Holiday Magic

Can you believe the holidays are right around the corner?? I love this time of year, Family dinners, twinkling lights, holiday movies, cozy fires, hot cocoa & iced coffee (yes both are a must) :))). It’s just so magical! So I get asked A LOT about how to stay organized, simple, clean & MAGICAL!

Here’s my thought!!! I’ve learned so much the older I get and I would say the number one thing to keep things in check would be “LESS IS MORE”! If you keep this thought in your mind it will help… I use this method with so many things including the holidays! I’ve learned to ask myself when shopping for decor etc, where will I put this or will it replace something I currently have?? If the answer is not sure, well guess what, I didn’t need it. It’s easy to get caught up in “I think I need so many things” & for me if I just think about it, it really helps and could save money Lol!!! Now the flip side I don’t use a ton of décor however the few pieces I use could be a little pricier.. So if that’s the case I feel “less is more” and I don’t mind to spend more on the statement pieces!

So what would I call a statement piece??? Okay, so just an example… In our bedroom I felt the chandelier would be a show stopper so I saved & bought the chandelier I truly loved :) Same with our Christmas tree! I don’t mind to spend a little more on a piece that will be your statement holiday piece and bring lots of joy!
So here’s a round up of the holiday pieces I will use this year! You know is going to be on the simple side but it will bring the magic!!! My vision is this gorgeous tree with some string lights and white ornaments. Neutral tree collar, white tree topper…Our mantle will be very clean whites, with holiday prints maybe a touch of red :) Stay tuned to next newsletter/blog for the mantle update!!!
Hope you find this helpful & your holidays are filled with joy!!


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HolidayJo ShetleyComment